Wednesday, July 17, 2013

25 Days Until I'm Home!!!

Really not much to report. I talked to my boss (auf Deutsche) and was able to convince him to let me spend five hours in the office doing administrative work and then the last three on the floor. Surprisingly, I actually know a lot of German. I really didn't think that I did during the class, but I really do. When customers ask me questions, three out of five times I am able to answer them, no problem. And some of those times I understand the question, but I just have no idea what the answer is and then have to ask a colleague. So, that is exciting.

Other than that it has been pretty slow here in Bonn. There was a protest on Saturday, because people want to be able to smoke in restaurants again (it was just recently outlawed.) That was interesting to see. I am still pretty homesick, but one thing that is keeping me going is that I will be home in 25 days! This weekend, I am pretty sure that I will be making a trip up to Hamburg. My goal? To have a hamburger in Hamburg. So, hopefully that comes true! Until then...


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