Saturday, May 25, 2013


Yesterday was a busy day. I went to the Hauptbahnhof (train station) and went to Cologne with the class to site see. I didn't really know much about Cologne, but I was excited nonetheless. My first site of Cologne was this beautiful, majestic building, that at first glance (obviously before I started thinking) was that it was a huge billboard. It literally looked as if it were painted on to the landscape. Definitely my favorite sight so far. It was the Kölner Dom. 

 Not only is the Kölner Dom absolutely breath taking on the outside, but once I stepped through the doors I was speechless. The windows, statues, paintings, and even the pews were all just magnificent.

Pictures definitely do not give it justice.
We also went the Römisch-Germanische Museum, which is the home to the ancient Roman town that was built beneath the city of Cologne.
So at first, I thought this was a bathtub, but it turns out it was a coffin!

So while walking the streets on my way to lunch at a local pub, I found this gem!
I really wanted to go into Hermes, but they said we didn't have time (my classmates looked at me funny when I asked, I just wanted to look), but hopefully I will go soon!

Once we got home we went to a welcoming party, which was fun. There was a band, tons of food, and even better, tons of beer! So around 8:30 we headed to Alt Städt and went to a few bars. Today is a free day, some of us are going back to Cologne to watch the soccer game others are staying in Bonn. I'm not a big soccer fan, but as they say, "when in Rome."


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